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Nikon AE-7C Autolevel (360 degrees)

Nikon AE-7C Autolevel (360 degrees) with Plastic Carrying Case



Nikon AE-7C Autolevel (360 degrees) with Plastic Carrying Case

Magnification: 34x Accuracy: ± 0.8 mm (1km double run leveling) ± 0.4 mm with plane parallel micrometer Compensator: Wire hung, air damper Others: AS-2C also equipped with horizontal circle Waterproof airtight telescope Optional high and lower power eyepieces Optional plane parallel micrometer

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  • Detail

    Nikon AE-7C Autolevel (360 degrees) with Plastic Carrying Case

  • Specifications

    Magnification: 34x Accuracy: ± 0.8 mm (1km double run leveling) ± 0.4 mm with plane parallel micrometer Compensator: Wire hung, air damper Others: AS-2C also equipped with horizontal circle Waterproof airtight telescope Optional high and lower power eyepieces Optional plane parallel micrometer

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