| Trimble Software

How do Louisiana Customers Differentially Correct Data in GPS Pathfinder Office During the Government Shutdown?


C4G and the services it provides remain online and because the C4G is the original source for nearly all CORS data here in Louisiana and we know how much the positioning community relies on this data. C4G has setup an anonymous FTP server with access to raw GNSS data from most of the Louisiana National CORS sites. This service is offered to the public free of charge by C4G and will remain in place as long as NGS is unable to make CORS data available.

The C4G anonymous FTP server is available 24/7 @ ftp://cors.lsu.edu:8021/ or in your FTP client at the following settings.

Host: cors.lsu.edu
Port: 8021
Login Type: Anonymous


Follow these steps:

  1.  Download and Install the Trimble Configuration Utility
  2. Download and Install the Rinex Utility
  3. Find out what base station you want to use
  4. Find out what date the data file was taken on then figure out the Julien Date (day of the year) http://www.fs.fed.us/fire/partners/fepp/DODprogram/juliandate.htm
  5. Go to the LSU website ftp://cors.lsu.edu:8021/TGD/2013/
  6. Pick the day of the year from step above
  7. Find the base station folder you want
  8. Download the files corresponding to the times you need
  9. Save them into your GPS Project folder
  10. Unzip the file.  You may need to download WINZIP
  11. Convert the file to Rinex.  click on start, programs, trimble and choose covert files to rinex
  12. Choose file and open
  13. Make sure to change the file type to TGD Files, then browse to the location of your *.tgd file, and click on Open
  14. Click on File and select Covert.
  15. Close the Rinex converter when finished.
  16. Open Pathfinder Office and run the differential correction wizard as normal
  17. When you get to the Base Data page, choose folder search option
  18. Browse to the files you downloaded
  19. Choose reference position from base files (this will put the data in the NAD83 2011 Epoch
  20. Continue on like normal

This is the process we had to follow several years ago.  You will see it is tedious work, but it will work while the NGS CORS data is not available.


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