- Start Trimble Access
- Click on “Settings”.
- Click on “Survey Styles.
- Select New at bottom on screen.
- Under style name, type: C4GNET
- Style type should be “GNSS”
- Select Accept.
- Select “Rover Options”, survey type should be “RTK”
- Change Broadcast Format to: “VRS(CMR)”
- Antenna settings: (Select the type of antenna you have)
- Accept Setting
- Select Rover Data Link
- Change type to: “Internet connection”
- Gnss Contact: click on right arrow
- Select “NEW” to build a GNSS contact
- Name: Give you contact a unique name
- Network connection: click on arrow and select Auto (Wi-fi, Modem, ActiveSync)
- Use Ntrip should be checked
- Ntrip username: Provided by C4G
- Ntrip password: Provided by C4G
- IP Address: RTN.LSU.EDU
- IP Port: 9000
- Select “Store” ( bottom right corner)
- Select “accept”
- Select “accept” again
- Select “Store”