| Trimble Software

Am I correctly interpreting the following bit from the post-processing log file (PositionsDesktopAddIn.log) that the real time results were more accurate than the post-processed results, so therefore only the real time results were used (which would be SBAS and therefore only GPS, not GLONASS too)? (see log info in answer)



Sometimes with sirf based gnss receivers (ie, Juno, nomad, Yuma) the realtime can produce better results. The nice thing about the Trimble Positions software is that it chooses the best answer. You can even try other base stations and positions will choose the best positions out all all your correction sources.

Log Info:

2016-02-29 10:12:56,554 [21] INFO Differentially correcting
2016-02-29 10:12:56,564 [21] INFO Coverage Details:
2016-02-29 10:13:00,094 [21] INFO Job part: Start time: 1/25/2016 3:02:38 PM, End time: 1/26/2016 10:42:36 AM
2016-02-29 10:13:00,094 [21] INFO 100.00% coverage by base files from, CORS, ALDOT 9 DIV OFF (AL90), ALABAMA (ITRF00 (1997)-Derived from IGS08 (NEW))
2016-02-29 10:13:00,094 [21] INFO Correction settings:
2016-02-29 10:13:00,094 [21] INFO Re-correct positions that were corrected in real time: Yes
2016-02-29 10:13:03,079 [21] WARN Processor: 1881 232333 TooFewSats
2016-02-29 10:13:03,079 [21] WARN Processor: 1881 232334 TooFewSats
2016-02-29 10:13:03,079 [21] WARN Processor: 1881 232533 TooFewSats
2016-02-29 10:13:03,079 [21] INFO Successfully differentially corrected job part 1/25/2016 3:02:38 PM to 1/26/2016 10:42:36 AM
2016-02-29 10:13:03,089 [21] INFO Updating session positions
2016-02-29 10:13:03,109 [21] INFO A total of 40 (100.0%) of 40 positions were differentially corrected
2016-02-29 10:13:03,109 [21] INFO Estimated accuracies (68%) for 40 positions are as follows:
0 – 15cm –
15 – 30cm –
30 – 50cm –
0.5 – 1m –
1 – 2m –
2 – 5m 15.0%
> 5m 85.0%
2016-02-29 10:13:03,109 [21] INFO 0 of 40 positions achieved a better accuracy after post-processing and will be used to rebuild the session.
2016-02-29 10:13:03,129 [21] INFO Rebuilding sessions
2016-02-29 10:13:03,129 [21] INFO Rebuild settings:
2016-02-29 10:13:03,129 [21] INFO Use positions that are the best
2016-02-29 10:13:49,697 [1] INFO The job (a7d1d8d7-5fb3-4ea1-9947-6619bfe90e59) is updated.
2016-02-29 10:18:57,178 [1] INFO Successfully upgraded user settings.
2016-02-29 10:19:43,273 [1] INFO 90-RHUDSON: Updated sytem base stations


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