There are several things that cause this issue, but the main one is that Windows Mobile Operating System imposes a limit of 32MB of virtual memory per process. Both ArcPad and the Trimble software are large consumers of RAM, as well as the new VGA screens, axf domains and related tables, extensions, symbology, ets.. So, there are several things to consider when deploying an ArcPad project.
1)Â Â Â Â Â Check out less data for your project. Â Use multiple projects if needed.
2)Â Â Â Â Â Limit the number of features you check out
3)Â Â Â Â Â Turn off unnecessary fields
4) Â Â Â Use Simple symbology
5) Â Â Â Use different file types
6) Â Â Â Use the Quick Draw Mode
7) Â Â Â Limit the number of extensions you have turned on
8)    Make sure your GPS has the latest updates:
– 2008/3000 Series GeoExplorer
9) Â Â Â Use different hardware
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