FDOT Florida Permanent Reference Network (FPRN) Adjustment August, 2, 2014


July 23, 2014

Network Adjustment

The Florida Permanent Reference Network (FPRN) will undergo a Network Adjustment on August 2, 2014. The new adjustment will bring the FPRN into harmony with the National Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) Network. The broadcast coordinates will change from NAD83 (CORS96) – Epoch 2002.0000 to the current realization NAD83 (2011) – Epoch 2010.0000.

Immediately following the adjustment, the Geoid Model currently in use throughout the State, Geoid 09, will no longer provide accurate coordinates. In order to receive reliable coordinates the Geoid 12A model must be used.

If you are working within a localization model, that model will need to be updated when the FPRN CORS coordinates are adjusted on August 2, 2014.

A downloadable spreadsheet containing the new coordinates and the superseded coordinates will be available on the FPRN website at http://www.dot.state.fl.us/surveyingandmapping/fprn.shtm.

Helpful information about the FPRN (which will include both the new and superseded CORS coordinates after August 2, 2014), can be found in the frequently asked questions of the website.

New Stations

We are pleased to announce the addition of two new stations in the greater Miami area.

FLD6 is located on the District 6 headquarters building.

FLMB is on the Tennis Complex building inside Flamingo Park, City of Miami Beach.

Both stations offer GPS as well as Glonass data.

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