Free Workshop: Latest in Cloud-Based Data Collection
This is a free half-day workshop in conjunction with our four-part GPS Training: Data Collection & Processing.
Dates: April 30th , 2015| Start: 8:00 AM | End: 11:30 AM | Alabama Department of Commerce – 401 Adams Ave – Montgomery, AL 36103 We are introducing the Trimble R1 external Submeter GNSS receiver which connects to smart phones and tablets. We will discuss the following: high accuracy cloud based data collection, real-time corrections, automated GIS tools, along with answering your GPS questions.
RSVP: Email
- Introducing the Trimble R1 external Submeter GNSS receiver
o BYOD and software
o ArcGIS Collector, etc
- High Accuracy Cloud Based Data Collection
o TerraFlex Advanced
- TerraFlex Demo
- ArcGIS Demo
- Real-time Corrections- Eliminating Post-processing & Become more Efficient
o Types of Corrections
- Trimble VRSnow
- Trimble RTX
- Own Base station
o Devices that can be Used
- Geo7X & R1
o Accuracies
o Costs
o Advantages/Disadvantages
- Field to finish- Pathfinder Office to Esri ArcGIS Automated tool
o NEI Express – taking data from the field to GIS
o Short Demo
- Tips and Tricks:
o Geo7X
- Customizing Home Screen
- Calibrations
- Etc
o Pathfinder Office
- Streaming Imagery
- Clipping Imagery
- Data Dicitonary Editor
- Or Q&A Session – Ask the Experts