Trimble Access software version 2015.21
Trimble Access
New hardware supported
Trimble GNSS receivers
Trimble Access version 2015.21 adds support for the Trimble R2, SPS985L and SPS585 receivers.
Trimble TDL2.4 radio
The Trimble TDL2.4 radio enables you to connect a controller that does not have an internal 2.4 GHz radio to a Trimble VX Spatial Station or Trimble S Series total station. The controller connects to the TDL2.4 radio using a Bluetooth® wireless connection.
For more information, refer to the topic “Radio settings” in the General Survey Help.
Software now available in Thai
The Trimble Access software is now available in Thai. Translated software applications are General Survey, Roads,Tunnels, and Mines.
General Survey version 2015.21
Resolved issues
The following issues are now resolved:
- Polylines in DXF files: An issue where DXF files with polylines in feet had incorrect positions for starting points of the polylines is now resolved. This issue was introduced in Trimble Access version 2015.20.
- Area calculations: An issue where Trimble Access would occasionally calculate significantly inaccurate area results is now resolved.
- Application error: An issue where setting up an RTK base on a position that has been derived from a GNSS survey such as VRS or RTK would cause an application error when attempting to store the first point in the job is now resolved.
This section includes features, enhancements and resolved issues that also apply to other Trimble Access applications.
New features
AccessVision provides a useful graphical display within task screens. AccessVision incorporates the map view and the video view within the current screen to provide immediate visual feedback and avoid having to switch back and forth between screens. Task screens that support AccessVision include measure, key in, cogo, and station setup screens.
Screens that already provide a graphical display, such as navigate to point, do not support AccessVision.
AccessVision is supported only on second generation Trimble Tablet controllers and supported third-party Windows Tablets. The map view is not available in an AccessVision screen if the 3D map is disabled.
When viewing a screen that supports AccessVision, the graphical display is on the left side of the screen. When the controller is connected to a Trimble instrument that has VISION™ technology, tap the icon on the bottom right corner of the graphical display to toggle between the map and the video view. Selecting points in the graphical display populates the fields on the right of the screen.
To resize or hide the graphical display, tap the appropriate icon in the center of the screen.
For more information, refer to the topic “AccessVision” in the General Survey Help.
Create nodes from lines, arcs and polylines in map layers
Trimble Access now supports creating node points at all polyline vertices. It also supports creating a center point for DXF circle and arc elements. These points can then be selected for stakeout or cogo calculations. To enable this option, select the Create nodes check box in the Options screen when selecting the layer to display in the map. This option applies to DXF files, ESRI Shapefiles, and LandXML Parcels (polylines).
For more information, refer to the topic “Active map” in the General Survey Help.
BeiDou only and BeiDou with GLONASS
Trimble Access version 2015.21 supports BeiDou only and BeiDou with GLONASS GNSS surveys.
To enable/disable GPS signal tracking, select/clear the GPS check box in the GNSS signal tracking group of the Receiver options or Base options screen. GNSS receiver firmware 5.10 or later is required to perform a survey with GPS tracking disabled.
GNSS surveys must contain either GPS or BeiDou observations. If GPS signal tracking is disabled, Beidou signal tracking must be enabled.
Tracking of Galileo and QZSS signals is available only when GPS signal tracking is enabled.
Continuous topo in RTX surveys
Trimble Access now supports continuous topo measurements in Trimble RTX™ surveys.
Printing from a P4T mobile Bluetooth printer
Trimble Access now supports printing directly from controllers in the field to the Zebra P4T mobile printer. The easy-to-carry P4T printer enables you to print barcode labels and documents up to 4” wide. It uses thermal transfer image technology to print text, barcodes, and graphics such as company logos as labels and documents designed for outdoor use. For more information on the Zebra P4T, see
From the Stakeout View before storage deltas screen, you can print the stakeout details displayed. This is particularly useful for creating labels that can be affixed to the stake. The deltas displayed are configurable from Stakeout options where you can choose from a list of staked deltas formats, or you can create your own display format. A display format must have a print style associated with it for the Print softkey to be available. For points, lines and arcs the “Default” deltas format has a print style associated with it. To print from any of the other staked delta formats you must define your own stake print format.
Print layout is configurable and controlled via the use of *.lbl files. For more information, refer to the topic “Printing from a P4T mobile Bluetooth printer” in the General Survey Help.
Job-specific data files now stored together
To better group job-specific data files, a <jobname> Files folder is now created for each job. Grouping these files together will make it much easier to manage files. The following files are saved to the <jobname> Files folder:
- Media files (*.jpg) captured by the camera on the controller or by a connected digital camera
- Snapshots (*.jpg) captured using an instrument with Trimble VISION technology
- Panoramas (*.jpg) captured using an instrument with Trimble VISION technology
- Scans (*.tsf) captured using an instrument with Trimble VISION technology
- Receiver files (*.t01, *.t02)
Previously, all of the other files listed above were saved to the <username> folder.
Panorama files (*.jpg) captured using a Trimble V10 imaging rover (including the calibration check files) are no longer prefixed with the job name because they are now saved to the V10 Panorama Files folder in the <jobname> Filesfolder. Previously these files were saved to the <jobname>_Images folder.
When an image is drawn on or annotated, the original image file is saved to the Original Files folder in the <jobname> Files folder. Previously they were saved to the <jobname>_Original_Images folder.
Refer to the release notes PDF for an image comparing the folder structure for version 2015.21 with previous versions.
Note that the location of the following files has not changed:
- Files that are used across jobs, including *.rxl and *.txl files, are still saved to the <username> folder or, if you have created a project folder, to the <username>\<projectname> folder.
- The job (*.job) is still saved to the <username> folder or, if you have created a project folder, to the <username>\<projectname>.
- Exported files are still saved to the Export folder.
- If there is no job open, then media files and snapshots are still saved to the <username> folder. When an image is drawn on or annotated, the original file is saved to the Original Files folder in the <username> folder. Previously they were saved to the <jobname>_Original_Images folder.
Photo attribute name defaults
Photo attribute name fields no longer remember the last used name when collecting the next feature. A new measurement would usually reference a new image, and remembering the last used photo file name made referencing a new image more difficult.
Station and offset
The behavior when the Coordinate view is set to Station and offset is now improved.
When viewing a point by station and offset relative to a road, tunnel, or alignment, the station and offset for the point (1) is to the intersection point of two horizontal alignment elements when:
- the horizontal alignment includes consecutive elements that are non tangential;
- the point is beyond the end tangent point of the incoming element but before the start tangent point of the next element; and
- the point is on the outside of the horizontal alignment.
Refer to the release notes PDF for a diagram.
The exception to this behavior is if the distance from the point (2) to the intersection point is greater than the distance to another element in the horizontal alignment. In that case, the station and offset for the point is to the closer element.
When the point (3) is on the inside of the horizontal alignment the station and offset is to the closer element.
Cogo enhancements
Trimble Access version 2015.21 supports the following Cogo enhancements:
- From the map you can now compute the distance between:
- a point and a line
- a point and an arc
The Compute distance option is available from the tap and hold menu when the appropriate entities are selected in the map. In previous versions, Compute distance was available only from the Cogo menu and the Cogo Calculatorscreen.
- From the map you can now compute an intersection from the map using two points and a line or two points and an arc.
- Compute inverse now reports the delta north and east values between the two points.
- Compute point/Project point to line now reports the following values from the point to the computed position on the line:
- azimuth
- slope distance
- grade
- vertical distance
- delta north and east
- Compute azimuth/Bisected corner now reports the:
- inside and outside angle – previously only the inside angle (Computed angle) was reported
- azimuth of the two side points to the corner point
- angle between the corner point and each side point, as well as the opposite angle
- Compute point/Bearing and distance now includes:
- a Delta azimuth field enabling the azimuth value to be adjusted by a delta value
- options enabling the azimuth to be adjusted by +90°, -90°, or +180° (or the equivalent values in gons and mils)
- When using the Cogo/ Transformations function to rotate points, you can now enter two azimuths to have the rotation angle calculated for you. In previous versions you could only enter the rotation angle. Tap the arrow on the rotation or azimuth field to select the method to use.
Staking out lines and arcs
Trimble Access version 2015.21 supports the following enhancements when staking lines or arcs:
- When staking a line or arc by Station on line/arc or Station/offset from line/arc you can now select the start or end station from the Station field.
- The new Details softkey enables you to review the line or arc definition.
Control codes for offsetting lines and arcs
Trimble Access version 2015.21 supports the following new feature code control codes:
- Horizontal offset: To offset feature coded lines and arcs by a horizontal value
- Vertical offset: To offset feature coded lines and arcs by a vertical value
The new control codes are ideal when surveying a curb and gutter, where points would be measured at the flow line (invert) of the gutter with a line code using horizontal and vertical control codes. The horizontal and vertical control codes would be used to define the gutter lip and the top and back of the curb.
For more information, refer to the topic “Feature libraries” in the General Survey Help.
Selecting the direction of lines and arcs
The direction of a line or arc selected in the map is now determined by the tapped position with respect to the viewed portion. That is if you are zoomed in on one end of a line or arc, you can control the direction by tapping the appropriate end of the displayed portion of the line or arc. In previous versions the tapped position related to the total extents of the line or arc rather than the visible portion.
Point name and code labels
You can now view the name and code labels for points in the map at the same time. Previously, only name or only code labels could be viewed.
Orbiting tool in the 3D map
Orbiting in the X and Y axis in the 3D map is now limited to 180 degrees, so that you can rotate from looking straight down on the project to looking straight up from underneath it. This reduces the likelihood of over-rotating and getting lost and also now matches the behavior in Trimble Business Center.
DXF entity names
The names of entities defined in a DXF file exported from Trimble Business Center can now be used in Trimble Access.
Square yard units for areas
Trimble Access now supports square international yards (yds2) and square US survey yards (syds2) for areas. To change the units, do one of the following:
- From the Jobs menu, select Properties of job / Units.
- From the Area calculations screen, tap Options.
Last used values in export custom format reports
Custom exports will often have some options to configure before a report is generated. In the past the default options displayed were always set by the stylesheet defining the export. The software now remembers the last used options, so that the next time you export a report the last used settings are displayed instead of those preconfigured in the stylesheet.
Expanded SV information in GNSS QC1 records
Trimble Access now provides the number of SVs from each constellation contributing to the position stored. To view this information, in Review job tap the + to expand the Satellites or Satellites (Min) item below QC1 in the position record.
Improved behavior when maximum PDOP exceeded in postprocessed surveys
When the satellite geometry goes above the PDOP mask set in the survey style, Trimble Access now pauses the time to initialize counters in a PPK survey, and pauses the occupation time counter for a FastStatic point. The timers resume when the PDOP drops below the mask.
Dial-in rover
You can now use the Trimble Tablet controller’s internal modem as a circuit switched dial‑in rover real time survey data link.
User interface improvements for conventional instrument Video screen
The following improvements have been made to the user interface for the Video screen in the Instruments menu when using an instrument with Trimble VISION technology.
- A toolbar to the left of the screen now provides access to the video tools that were previously accessed from softkeys at the bottom of the screen.
- The Settings toolbar button provides access to a single options screen for configuring image options, including image size and HDR. Previously image options were accessed using two different softkeys.
- The image size is no longer shown on the Snapshot button but the image size is still based on the current zoom level or can be set in the Video Settings screen.
- The Options softkey now provides fast access to the auto-measure setting.
- When reviewing a snapshot from an instrument with Trimble VISION technology, the Photo Properties softkey has been replaced with the Rename softkey.
Measure points on a plane
When measuring points on a plane during a conventional survey, the Trimble Access software now supports computing a best fit vertical plane using 3 points. Previously 4 points were required before you could force the plane to be vertical.
Check shot circle deltas
The circle deltas (delta H, delta VA, delta SD) displayed when you perform a check shot are now displayed in the Review job screen.
Bluetooth connections to total stations
Trimble Access now supports Bluetooth wireless connections to third party total stations.
EDM tracking mode in the Joystick screen
When in the Joystick screen, the instrument no longer switches from TRK mode to STD mode.
Observation weightings for instrument precisions
In a conventional or integrated survey, if the precisions from the instrument or from the survey style are null, when performing a resection or station setup plus Trimble Access now uses the same default precisions as those used byTrimble Business Center.
For more information, refer to the topic “Conventional instrument configuration” in the General Survey Help.
Coordinate system definitions
When selecting the coordinate system, systems are now ordered by country name and then system name. This matches the list of coordinate systems in Trimble Business Center.
Resolved issues
- General Survey softkeys: An issue where the software sometimes did not respond when softkeys were tapped is now resolved.
- TSC2, TSC3 and Slate controllers locking up during shutdown: An issue where shutting down the controller by tapping the Shutdown button in the Power menu screen did not always give the Trimble Access software enough time to close properly and caused the controller to lock up is now resolved.
- Controller running slowly: An issue where using AccessSync to transfer data would, over time, cause the controller to run slowly is now resolved.
- Photo attributes: An issue where at the end of a measurement the attribute form reappeared showing the photo attribute field as empty despite the attributes being filled out using Measure codes prior to the measurement is now resolved.
- Draw on images: The following issues with drawing on an image are now resolved:
- When adding text, only one line of text was visible at the input panel.
- Very small lines where the start point is the same as the end point are no longer drawn.
- The readability of the text drawn on a snapshot image on a Slate controller is now improved.
- Feature-coded circles: An issue where a point has a StartCircleCenter code but no Line code and the software drew the circle is now resolved. Circles no longer appear if there is no Line code.
- DXF files: The following issues with DXF files are now resolved:
- Deleted DXF files appeared available for selection in the map.
- When a DXF file with very large file extents was made an active map layer, rogue points could appear.
- Raster background images and scale factor only or no projection/no datum jobs: When using a scale factor only or no projection/no datum job, an issue where the software would crash or display the incorrect scale when you attempted to display in the map a raster background that has a world file defined in latitude/longitude is now resolved.
- Grid coordinates for ground-based job: An issue where the project location coordinates for a ground coordinate system were corrupted if not all of the grid coordinate values were entered is now resolved.
- 3D map: The following issues in the 3D map are now resolved:
- The Linked file points option was overriding other settings in the Filter screen.
- Point symbols in the map were displayed slightly offset when the only points in the job were in linked files.
- When orbiting with increasing NW/SE coordinate systems, moving the cursor left did what moving the cursor right should do.
- The way blocks in a DXF file were being displayed when they were rotated and scaled resulted in skewed shapes.
- Text containing line breaks in a DXF file was not displayed correctly.
- The red dashed line did not indicate the correct direction of the total station for all coordinate systems. It now indicates the correct direction of the total station with increasing NE, NW, SW, SE coordinate systems, and north/south azimuths.
- Shapefile feature names: An issue where the feature names generated for features from Shapefiles did not include the first part of the feature name is now resolved. This issue was introduced in Trimble Access version 2015.10. Feature names are now consistent with previous version of Trimble Access, where the feature name is the first five characters of the Shapefile name, followed by a file index number, then a space and then the line number in the Shapefile where the feature is defined.
- Navigating during stake out: An issue when navigating to a point using the Forward/Backward; Left/right option where incorrect values for some grid orientations (NE, SW, NW, SE) were displayed is now resolved.
- Stake out line: An issue where the stake out graphical display and the Deltas Distance values (Forward/Backward and Left/Right) did not match is now resolved. This issue occurred only when a significant projection scale factor and/or significant sea level correction was in use and the position being staked was a large distance from the start of the line being staked.
- Continuous topo: An issue where the Abandon point? dialog appeared if you tapped Esc when Continuous topo was operating is now resolved.
- Calibration point: When measuring a calibration point using an R10 receiver with the observation type set to observed control point, an issue where the software returned the tilt limit for a topo point instead of the tilt limit for an observed control point is now resolved.
- Rapid point and Measure codes: An issue when using Measure codes and the Rapid point measurement type where there was a delay before the “Observation stored” message appeared is now resolved.
- Storing autonomous GPS positions with null antenna heights: An issue when storing a point from the controller’s internal GPS receiver in the Position screen where it was possible to store the point without entering the antenna height is now resolved.
- Receiver settings information: An issue where the software was sometimes slow to populate the Receiver settingsscreen in the Instrument menu with the current receiver settings is now resolved.
- RTK on demand: An issue where softkeys that operate the RTK on demand functionality were not being displayed is now resolved.
- Dial-in data links: The following issues in the 3D map are now resolved:
- The software did not enable selection of an external Bluetooth modem when configuring a dial-in RTK survey on a Geo7X controller.
- The TSC3 and Geo7X controller’s internal modem could not be selected as a circuit switched dial in rover data link in a real time survey.
- The dial-in data link did not hang up properly on a Trimble Tablet.
- R10 Wi-Fi configuration: An issue where Trimble Access was unable to successfully load the receiver’s Wi-Fi configuration onto Trimble controllers is now resolved.
- Postprocessed Kinematic initialization: An issue where the “Initialization Gained” and “Initialization Lost” messages were reported too many times in succession is now resolved.
- Annotate snapshot: An issue where the crosshair did not always appear when you zoomed into a snapshot image is now resolved.
- Measure points on a plane: An issue where calculating points using angles only showed station, offset and vertical distance values as ? is now resolved. This issue was introduced in Trimble Access version 2015.10.
- Shapefile points for station setup: An issue where points in Shapefiles could not be selected during station setup is now resolved. This issue was introduced in Trimble Access version 2015.10.
- Store and reorient: Trimble Access version 2014.20 added the ability to store and reorient when performing a resection or station setup plus, but it was only possible to store and reorient on one face. In Trimble Access version 2015.20 you can now store and reorient on both Face 1 and Face 2. In addition, if Auto F1/F2 is enabled, the system automatically measures on one face and then the other.
- Scan frame: An issue where the Undo and Delete frame softkeys were shown in the Scanning framing screen before you began defining a scan frame is now resolved.
- Trimble VX Spatial Station scans: An issue where the Trimble VX Spatial Station did not scan correctly if any of the following were true is now resolved:
- Set backsight was set to Zero or None.
- Coordinate direction was anything other than Increasing North-East.
- South azimuth was set.
- Trimble S series scans: An issue where pausing and then resuming a model-based scan (using Long Range STD or Long Range TRK mode) restarted the entire scan.
- Scanning with a robotic connection: An issue when scanning using a Trimble VX Spatial Station or Trimble S Series total station where scanning did not resume after losing and then regaining a radio connection during a model-based scan in Long Range STD or Long Range TRK mode is now resolved.
- Circular objects using an M3 total station: An issue when calculating the center of a circular object using the bisect tangent method, where the observation could not be made and the instrument display locked up is now resolved. This issue affected Trimble M3 total stations only.
- Measuring points during integrated survey: When measuring points or measuring topo, an issue where the point ID was not preserved when switching between conventional and GNSS surveys is now resolved.
- Application errors: You should no longer see occasional application errors when you do any of the following:
- Start a dial-in rover survey.
- Tap Esc when the 3D map is updating.
- Open a LandXML file that does not contain any entities in the 3D map.
- Press the Trimble key on the Trimble CU controller during station setup.
- Apply a .jot template file to a new job when the template contains a line based on a GNSS point.
- Apply radio settings when the connection to the receiver has dropped.
For more information please visit Trimble Access software version 2015.21
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