| Software

Ricoh List Editor Software for Creating Data Dictionaries


The Ricoh SEW 500 has the ability to collect attribute data to go along with your photographs.  You will need to download and install the List Editor Software in order to take advantage of this feature.  Follow the directions below.

  1. Download the List Editor Software
    • Attached at bottom of screen
  2.   Create Data Dictionaries – List Editor Software
    •  Create Dictionary
    •  Item 1 – give it a name
    • Details – Input  (drop down list, text or numeric)
      • Add for list
    • Repeat as needed
    • Save the data dictionary (Save AS  *.mta)
    • Notes
      • Camera can store multiple data dictionaries
  3. Transfer Data dictionaries to camera
    • Plug camera into USB
    • Copy Data Dictionaries (*.mta) from desktop to the camera
      •  Place in the Template folder on the Camera SD card
      • You will see a orange box with MEMO in it
        • This tells you that you have data dictionaries install on the camera
    • Access Memos on Ricoh
      • Press button with the Dimple on it
      • Push Display button to see the dictionaries
      • Hit Display button again to get rid of the screen

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