Congratulations on your purchase of Trimble Mapping GPS equipment and Software from Navigation Electronics Inc. Now that you have recieved your purchase you need to get everything installed and working properly. Follow the directions below to get started and if you run into any problems feel free to call us at 1-800-949-1446 for additional assistance.
- Unpack you equipment
- Start charging the GPS unit
- Locate the Getting Started Disk
- Insert the disk into your computer and select the appropriate language
- Choose Setup and Installation
- Install Microsoft ActiveSync
- If you cant find a disk download from the internet
- Mobile Command Center for Windows Vista
- ActiveSync 4.5 for Windows XP, 98, etc
- Choose your Device resources (ex. GeoExplorer 2008 series resources)
- Register your products and retrieve your installation codes
- Look for the YELLOW piece of paper that NEI included with your order, which contains your Product Registration information
- If you don’t have the paper then call 1-800-949-1446
- The person who’s email address is on the paper should have received a password from Trimble
- Click on Register Now! on the Getting Started Interface
- Or follow the link below to register your equipment
- Log onto the website
- Fill out your company information
- Scroll down the page until you see My Products
- Click on the + sign next to your software product.
- TerraSync, GPS Pathfinder Office, GPSanalyst, GPScorrect
- Write down, or Copy and Paste the Software Installation Serial Number
- Download your Trimble Mobile Device Guides
- Download additional Windows Mobile Resources
- Install GPS Pathfinder Office
- You must have Administrative Rights to install this software
- Insert the GPS Pathfinder Office disk or download it from the Trimble website
- Run the software exe or the disk
- Choose the correct type of installation
- Accept the license agreement
- Choose You already have registered and have a valid install code
- Enter your installation serial number
- Follow the rest of the directions on the install wizard
- Proceed with the recommended updates at the end of the installation
- Download this support note to setup the software on a computer who’s user doesn’t have Admin Rights
- Install TerraSync on the GPS unit
- Make sure the device is connect to the desktop computer via USB cable
- Make sure ActiveSync or Mobile Command Center is connected
- You don’t have to setup a partnership with the device
- Click on Cancel to connect as a Guest
- Insert the TerraSync disk or download it from the Trimble website
- Run the software exe or the disk
- Choose the correct type of installation
- Accept the license agreement
- Choose “You already have registered and have a valid install code”
- Enter your installation serial number
- Follow the rest of the directions on the install wizard