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TerraSync Line Collection Procedure


TerraSync Line Collection Proceedure

  1. Open TerraSync and start a new Data File or an existing one
    1. Select the data tab
      • Click on the dropdown arrow next to Status
    2. For a New file,
      • Change the file name
      • Select a data dictionary if you have one
      • Click OK and type in your antenna height
    3. For an Existing File
      • Click on the dropdown menu next to New, and select Existing File
        • Choose your file
      • Keep in mind that you can only work on an existing file that is up to 7 days old.  If it’s older than 7 days you will have to create a new file.

There are a couple of  ways to collect line features.

  1. You can setup your logging interval to log positions at a specified time or distance.
    • With this option you would select a line feature, click on create and start walking the line, and then click OK when you were finished.
  2. You can log a point vertex for each bend in your line.
    1. This procedure is similar to collecting point features, but it is connecting a line between each vertex.  This will give you a smooth line instead of a zig-zagging one.

For Option 2 follow the procedure below:

  1. Under the Data Tab,
    1. You will have 2 options: Collect or Update, select Collect Features
  2. You will also see an Options pull down menu, click on the dropdown
    1. Select Log Later * Note: Once set it will stay on this option.
    2. You might want to check your logging interval
      1. I would suggest 1 second for points and vertices
  3.  Select line feature you want to collect
  4.  Use Line_generic if you don’t have a data dictionary
  5.  Click on the Create button
  6.  The feature will be paused from recording gps positions automatically
  7.  Fill out your attribute information.
  8.  Click on Option, then select New Vertex
    1. You will see a red circle with a number below it
    2. This indicates that you are collecting a vertex and the number represents the number of gps measurements
  9.  Click on Ok when you have taken enough measurements
  10.  Move onto your next point along your line ex. A bend or a turn in the line, or the end of the line.
  11.  Click on Options, and select New Vertex
    1. This will start logging positions again
  12.  Click OK and walk to the next point in your line.  Continue doing this until you are finished with the line.
  13.  Click OK when you are finished collecting the line feature. 

If you stored the line feature and want to go back and add to it, do the following:

  1. Select Update Features, this is located on the dropdown menu directly below the Data Menu.
  2. Select the line you would like to update
    • Click on Begin
    • Select Options, and New Vertex
      • It’s going to ask you to Update Feature (replace) or Continue Feature (append).  Select append
    • Continue updating the feature as needed.

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