How can I make Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC) run on a computer with a Windows 10 Operating System?7 years ago
My computer had a problem and I need to reinstall Trimble Pathfinder and Terrasync software. The installation has expired. How can we get a new installation code?9 years ago
We have a Trimble GeoXT 3000 series that has a amber light on when in the charger cradle. We would like to know what the amber light indicates?? The charger light is green so its not the cradle.9 years ago
How do I perform laser offsets with the Geo7X using ArcPad?10 years ago
How do I export my TerraSync data files to an Esri shapefile directly from my handheld GNSS device?11 years ago
What is SBAS+?11 years ago
hello, I have a GPS Trimble ProXT, worked great, until the controller did not take but the ProXT (data received bluethoot), the 3 LEDs flash simultaneously (amber, red, green and blue) without stopping. Can’t connect for bluethoot or serial cable with the controller and the laptop.the only way to turn off the gps is remove the battery. When you turn on the GPS it is the samethe firmware is 1.84 proxt trimble, but i can’t upgrade12 years ago
How can I find out if my Trimble Mapping & GIS hardware and software are compabitible?12 years ago
I Just Received my GPS equipment and Software, Now What?12 years ago
Free GIS Data and Imagery12 years ago
Proper Way to Shut Down the Trimble TerraSync Software12 years ago
My GPS is not running up to Par using TerraSync Software12 years ago
TerraSync Line Collection Procedure12 years ago
Input Waypoints in TerraSync Version 2.61 or earlier12 years ago
How to Email TerraSync Data Files from a Windows Mobile Device using a WIFI Connection12 years ago
How do I Load a Shapefile as a Background into TerraSync?12 years ago
How do I Input Waypoints into TerraSync v3.0 or higher?12 years ago
GPS is Disconnected in TerraSync12 years ago
Loading Background Imagery into GPS Pathfinder Office12 years ago
Input Waypoints in Pathfinder Office12 years ago
I’ve recently installed ArcPad 8 Service Pack 1 and the screen flickers whenever the GPS is activated. What is going on?12 years ago
Why can’t I get activeSync to connect properly?12 years ago
TruPulse Setup for Collecting Offsets in TerraSync12 years ago
TruPulse 360 Laser Setup for Height Measurements in TerraSync12 years ago
Bluetooth Transfer on Ricoh Camera12 years ago
WAAS Update12 years ago
How do I connect a Mobile Phone to Windows Mobile 6?12 years ago
Why won’t my GeoExplorer handheld turn on?12 years ago
How to Connect a 2005 GeoExplorer to TerraSync on a PC via Serial Port12 years ago
GeoExplorer Not Running up to Par12 years ago
GeoExplorer Touchscreen not Responding12 years ago
Setting up a cell phone connection with integrated modem on GeoExplorer 600012 years ago
GeoExplorer 6000 problems connecting to a Window Computer12 years ago